What is the Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award?
The Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award is an annual award given to the author of the book voted most outstanding by students in grades four through eight in participating Illinois schools. The award is named in honor of Rebecca Caudill who lived and wrote in Urbana, Illinois, for nearly 50 years. The award is given in recognition for her literary talent and the universal appeal of her books which have touched the hearts of many children and young adults.
Who can participate?
RCYRBA is for all Illinois students in grades 4-8. They should participate through a registered institution (usually the school or, for homeschooled students, the public library).
How can I register?
Schools, public libraries, or individual classroom teachers (when the school library does not participate) should register.
Online registration is now available via the AISLE website. Use the "Registration" link on our website or got directly to AISLE.
Online registration is now available via the AISLE website. Use the "Registration" link on our website or got directly to AISLE.
Am I registered?
You should receive a receipt from AISLE when you register, along with shared access to our Google folder of resources.
Do I need to register every year?
YES! Your school needs to be registered each year. Registration begins in March.
Does my district need to register each school?
YES, please! This is important for accurate vote reporting and participation statistics.
How do I order support and promotional materials?
Most resources are free with your membership. To buy spine labels, award seals, or apparel, please visit the Store link on our main page.
How do I nominate a book?
Students, teachers, school library media specialists, and public librarians may nominate outstanding books for children and young people. Nominations from the previously mentioned individuals must be submitted through an official nomination form , found in the Nominations link on the main page.
How can I be a part of the RCYRBA committee?
Visit the Evaluator's Committee page on our site for more information.
Do I have to buy all 20 titles?
No, the RCYRBA recommends your purchase a minimum of 12 titles.
With each annual list participants should evaluate, purchase and promote only those books which they determine appropriate for their students and the grade levels served. Be reminded, to participate in the program you need only offer 12 of the titles.
With each annual list participants should evaluate, purchase and promote only those books which they determine appropriate for their students and the grade levels served. Be reminded, to participate in the program you need only offer 12 of the titles.
Why are some books only available in hardback?
The RCYRBA Board of Directors and Evaluators Committee have no wish to exclude excellent titles based on the available binding! When titles are added to the annual Master List publishers are immediately contacted. We strongly suggest to them that they publish the title in paperback, but that is at the discretion of the publisher and, sadly, we have no control.
Where can I order books?
The RCYRBA does not offer the titles. You need to purchase them as you would any other title you add to your collection. Many vendors offer complete sets of the books. There is also a competitive grant available at AISLE/LBSS Endowment Fund Grant which might offer financial help purchasing.
Can public libraries conduct voting?
The public library MAY conduct voting for students not served by a participating school library. Please make every effort to insure that students only vote once!
Do students need to read all 20 books?
No. To be eligible to vote students need only read (or listen to) 3 titles. Many schools choose to encourage select students to make reading all twenty a goal, but that is above and beyond the required three.
When is voting?
Voting runs from February 1st-February 28th every year.