• Bellwoods Game The
  • Dont Want To Be Your Monster
  • Eb Flow
  • Final Season
  • Fire the Water and Maudie McGinn The
  • Ghost Book
  • Greenwild
  • Hands
  • Impossible Escape
  • Medusa
  • Mexikid
  • Misfits The
  • Parachute Kids
  • Roll Call
  • Simon Sort of Says
  • Swifts The
  • Warrior Girl
  • What Happened to Rachel Riley
  • Work in Progress A
  • World Made of Glass


The Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award is an annual award given to the author of the book voted most outstanding by students in grades four through eight in participating Illinois schools. The award is named in honor of Rebecca Caudill who lived and wrote in Urbana, Illinois, for nearly 50 years. The award is given in recognition for her literary talent and the universal appeal of her books which have touched the hearts of many children and young adults.

The purposes of the Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award are:

To encourage children and young adults to read for personal satisfaction. To develop a statewide awareness of outstanding literature for children and young people and to promote a desire for literacy.
To encourage cooperation among Illinois agencies providing educational and library service to young people.


The Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award is an annual award given to the author of the book voted most outstanding by students in grades four through eight in participating Illinois schools. The award is named in honor of Rebecca Caudill who lived and wrote in Urbana, Illinois, for nearly 50 years. The award is given in recognition for her literary talent and the universal appeal of her books which have touched the hearts of many children and young adults.

The purposes of the Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award are:

  • To encourage children and young adults to read for personal satisfaction.
  • To develop a statewide awareness of outstanding literature for children and 
    young people and to promote a desire for literacy.
  • To encourage cooperation among Illinois agencies providing educational and 
    library service to young people. 


Cooperating Organizations

The award is administered by the RCYRBA Board of Directors.
Cooperating agencies include:

Promotional Items

  • Spine labels, bookmarks, winner stickers, etc are available to registered participants. 
  • The promotional items order form is available to registered participants on this website. Access is via member log in. 
  • Promotional items are only available to registered particpants.
  • Please order well in advance.


Any school in Illinois with students enrolled in any of the grades four through eight and agreeing to meet the requirements below may participate in the program.

Any public library in Illinois serving students in grades four through eight (from schools that are not registered to participate) and agreeing to meet the requirements below, may participate in the program.

  1. Register for the award by February 28th.
  2. Provide a minimum of 12 of the 20 titles on the Master List to the students of the school.
  3. Each child must have read or heard three books in order to be eligible to vote.
  4. Develop voting procedures. 
  5. Plan and conduct motivational activities.
  6. Provide eligible students with an opportunity to vote.
  7. Tally vote totals and report on this website no later than February 28th.